Posted: October 6, 2022Category:

Do I Need to Bring Anything While Spin Fishing for Trout?

Freshwater fishing with soft baits has grown more popular over the last few years. River fishing with a rod and reel is one of the best ways to enjoy this fantastic pursuit, whether you’re an experienced angler or just starting. Nothing says “Good times,” like grabbing your spin fishing gear, your friends and family, some snacks, and heading out to hit the rivers and the lakes.

Queenstown Fishing knows the beautiful alpine waters of the Southern Lakes region better than anyone. Our skilled guides are ready to take you on an adventure through Queenstown and Otago/Southland on a journey to all the best fishing spots in the rivers and lakes.

This article will prepare you for your fishing adventure by listing some of the essential spin fishing gear. We’ll discuss what to bring, how it can help you, and other items you might consider bringing along to enhance your spin fishing experience. You’ll be fishing for trout, salmon, and more before you know it, and you’ll have more than a story to bring home: you’ll have memories to last a lifetime.

Latest Fishing Fashions

When you’re spin fishing, clothing is about practicality more than anything else. That isn’t to say that you have to wear something boring, but keep in mind that you will be around the water. There’s spray to consider, and you may want to get into the water at some point, so you’ll need waders to keep your feet dry. In warmer months, bring something light to stay cool, but remember that you’re going to catch some spray sometimes. In colder months, definitely pack warm clothes, including gloves and jackets. The water gets cold!

Another critical item at any time of the year is a good pair of sunglasses. If the day is overcast, you might not need them; otherwise, you will spend hours on the water. The glare on the waves will take more out of you than you might think!

The Bare Necessities

In addition to proper spin fishing clothing, you will want to bring sunblock. Even if you don’t think you’ll need it, bring some, regardless! The sun reflecting off the waves can burn you before you realize it, so it is a good idea to plan accordingly.

Unless you rent equipment such as a rod and reel, you’ll want to make sure you bring your poles along. The “spin” in “spin fishing” refers to the classic reel rig, after all! We’ll show you the best places to cast your lines, and you’ll be hauling in a great catch in no time.

We provide refreshments, but bring along anything you want to add!

Reeling in a Good Time

The guides of Queenstown Fishing have decades of experience between them. We love the lakes and rivers of southern New Zealand, and we know you do, too. Feel free to contact us today, and we can get you started! With the right spin fishing gear, our expert guides, and the beautiful scenery of the Southern Lakes region, you’re in for a fishing adventure you won’t find anywhere else!