Posted: October 2, 2022Category:

What Should I Bring When I Go Salmon Fishing?

Salmon fishing is fun for the entire family. New Zealand offers some of the world’s most scenic fishing spots, famous for its catches and rugged natural beauty. Hemmed in by mountains, the Southern Lakes region is full of rivers and creeks connecting to beautiful Lake Wakatipu and many of our favourite fishing spots.

Queenstown Fishing knows all the best spots to put out your lines and catch salmon. As a family trip or a work retreat, nothing beats a private fishing charter! Gear is essential when you’re out salmon fishing: gear you may already know and some you might not have considered. Knowing what to wear when you’re out trolling for salmon, the equipment to bring, and how to make the most of it is a matter of experience. When it comes to that, the seasoned anglers at Queenstown Fishing are your guides! This article will discuss some of the proper fishing charter gear, what to expect when heading out, and why salmon fishing is the perfect activity for summer, winter, and everything in between!

Fishin’ Fashion

The fishing charter gear you bring is essential when you’re out on a fishing charter, starting with your clothes. While you can wear anything you’d typically wear out on the boat, you will want to consider that you’re likely to be standing in the sun, even with a shade cover, so dress accordingly. In summer, you’re a little more flexible in what to wear, but we recommend a hat and sunglasses no matter what else you wear. There’s nothing quite like being out on the boat, but the sun glinting off the water can take its toll over several hours.

You want to dress warmly in colder weather, but don’t forget those sunglasses! The sun might feel good when it’s cold out, but remember that the glare can be a pain after a while, and you still want to be careful of any exposed skin. The sunlight reflecting off the waves can still be a problem, even in the middle of winter.

Otherwise, come prepared to get wet! The spray is kicking, the fish are biting (and we know just where to find them), and our boats are stocked with refreshments!

Other Gear You Should Consider

If you book a Queenstown Fishing charter, gear is provided, so you have no reason to miss out on those feisty salmon. Equipment to bring on your own includes cameras, necessary medical devices, and whatever you consider essential salmon fishing gear. Maybe you have a favourite fishing lure or want to bring your own rod. We are willing to accommodate your needs. Here are a few items many people don’t consider, which may help enhance your fishing charter experience.


Be sure to bring your cameras! Maybe you have your smartphone or want to get a camera for the ultimate fishing closeups. These charters offer a special day of fun for an entire group, so taking lots of pictures is a great way to make memories that last a lifetime. Snap pics of the gorgeous scenery, take a few of the day’s catches, and anything else that catches your eye.

Bug Spray

If you have any allergies to be aware of, we recommend you bring your own bug spray. Let’s keep the bugs away and save the bites for the salmon! Fishing gear is all about making your time on the water safe, more fun, and relaxing, and reducing the irritation of bug bites certainly helps with that.

Waterproof Bag

Bring a waterproof bag to store all your belongings unless you want to risk it getting as wet as the salmon. Fishing gear is meant to endure the spray, but many household items are not, so be sure to pack a waterproof bag to store your items safely.


If you want to bring your own snacks and drinks, a small cooler is a great addition. While we happily provide refreshments on our charters, if you have a taste for something specific, we encourage you to bring it.

Fishing Fun for Everyone

Salmon fishing appeals to beginners and experienced anglers alike. It’s a classic activity for a reason; it doesn’t require a screen, electricity, or lots of expenses. You can gather a family, group of friends, or work crew and head out on a boat to enjoy some beautiful scenery, good company, and, of course, that sweet salmon fishing! Gear up, get outside, and catch some fish—it’s really that simple!

Angling is more than just a great time. It’s also a skill, pushing you to improve yourself and your fishing game. You can have a contest with your colleagues (which we know you’ll win, thanks to our expert mentorship!), teach a family member or friend how to land the perfect salmon, or try to beat your own personal record.

Taking a private charter with Queenstown Fishing enhances your fishing experience. Enjoy the benefits of having highly-experienced guides, refreshments, downriggers, and other salmon fishing gear provided, as well as soaking in the scenic views as we take you on a tour of Lake Wakatipu.

Our Spin on the Classic Pastime

Do you love the idea of enjoying the great outdoors on stunning Lake Wakatipu? Does the thought of using the best trout and salmon fishing gear seem like a good time? If you want to enjoy these things, along with all the fresh air and tasty treats to be found in the Southern Lakes, Queenstown Fishing is your go-to resource for fishing fun. We are the angling authorities on Lake Wakatipu, and we’re looking forward to getting you started soaking up the fun, too!

Give us a call and ask about the extras we can add to your private fishing charter: gear, goodies, and grins!